This paper quantifies how African farmers have adapted their crop and irrigation decisions to their farm's current agro-ecological zone. The results indicate that farmers carefully consider the climate and other conditions of their farm when making these choices. These results are then used to forecast how farmers might change their irrigation and crop choice decisions if climate changes. The model predicts African farmers would adopt irrigation more often under a very hot and dry climate scenario but less often with a mild and wet scenario.

This report develops a Structural Ricardian model to measure climate change impacts that explicitly models the choice of farm type in African agriculture. This two stage model first estimates the type of farm chosen and then the conditional incomes of each farm type after removing selection biases.

This report focuses specifically on the topic of renewable energy for heating and cooling for two reasons. First, the heating and cooling sector contributes largely to energy consumption, and therefore the emission of greenhouse gases. Globally, heating and cooling accounts for an estimated 40-50% of final energy demand.

In many poor countries, the recent increases in prices of staple foods raise the real incomes of those selling food, many of whom are relatively poor, while hurting net food consumers, many of whom are also relatively poor. The impacts on poverty will certainly be very diverse, but the average impact on poverty depends upon the balance between these two effects, and can only be determined by looking at real-world data. Results using household data for ten observations on nine low-income countries

The International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) provides information on how agricultural knowledge, science and technology can be used to reduce hunger and poverty, improve rural livelihoods and human health, and facilitate equitable environmentally, socially and economically sustainable development.


This report summarizes the activities associated with the FTA Mission to India conducted in September 2007. The mission provided the U.S. delegation with the opportunity to meet with senior Indian transportation officials, and to gain first-hand knowledge of India's current plans for transportation infrastructure improvements. The tour was also designed to identify any lessons learned for the U.S. transit industry, particularly in relation to the implementation and operation of Bus Rapid Transit systems, and to identify opportunities for U.S.

Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, has a transport master plan that provides alternative scenarios for the City

Major sources of air pollution in urban areas include combustion processes (e.g., including the burning of fossil fuels for steam and power generation, heating and household cooking, waste burning, and gasoline and diesel-fueled engine combustion) and various non-combustion industrial processes (e.g., solvent extraction processes).

Using panel data for the fourteen major states of India over the 1980-2000 period, the authors estimate the effect of human capital endowment on the performance of the state economies. They find that greater availability of skilled workers had a positive and significant impact on output in the service sectors. They do not find any such effect for the manufacturing sectors. The paper shows that the differential effect on services and manufacturing arises because service sectors are more skill intensive.
