The COP21 agreement marks a turning point in international efforts to mitigate climate change. Expectations on governments to deliver are high. But what about businesses? Is there a business case for climate adaptation? Are European companies ready to create a competitive edge towards the rest of the world?

Following the historic international deal agreed at the UN climate conference, COP21, and the news from Davos that climate change is the world’s most impactful risk, major companies such as Dell, Unilever and Walmart are establishing the extent to which impending climate regulation will impact their business.

Seven in ten companies have commitments to address deforestation yet few are translating these into meaningful actions, reveals new analysis from CDP, the global non-profit which gathers environmental data on behalf of investors.

The CDP Global Climate Change Report 2015 offers analysis of the current state of the corporate response to the causes of global warming. Are we at a tipping point? Discover the difference five years has made on how companies are tackling climate change and preparing for a low carbon economy.

This year marks the sixth year of CDP’s water program. Since its launch a large and growing number of institutional investors have begun using the platform to engage with companies on water exposures and opportunities.

A new report published by CDP, the international not-for-profit organization that holds the largest collection of company-reported environmental data, has found that a significant scaling up of activity is required for companies in heavy-emitting industries to achieve emissions-reduction targets.

Two thirds of the world's largest companies are reporting exposure to water risks, some of which have potential to limit growth. The news comes amid mounting shareholder concern around the business impacts from water scarcity, accessibility and poor water quality.

From A for Apple Inc. to Z for Zurich Insurance Group, 187 companies illustrate that a low carbon future does not mean low profit. A new global index based on companies that exhibit leadership through action to mitigate climate change outperforms The Bloomberg World Index by 9.6%.

The majority of the world’s major cities have disclosed that climate change presents a physical risk to the businesses operating in their cities. This real and current threat is driving local governments to take concrete action in response finds this fourth CDP Cities Annual Report released by CDP in partnership with Bloomberg Philanthropies, C40 Cities and AECOM. It covers 207 cities from Africa Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America, South Asia and Oceania
