Into the Blue: Securing a Sustainable Future for Kelp Forests global synthesis report is the most comprehensive knowledge review on kelp to date, revealing the state of science on the world’s kelp forests and providing recommended actions to build the recovery of the world’s kelp forests.

Decades of Mangrove Forest Change: What does it mean for nature, people and the climate? reviews the extent of mangrove forest cover and considers the potential consequences of changes in mangrove extent for more than 1,000 mangrove associated species including birds, fish, plants, mammals, reptiles and amphibians.

Today at the half-way point for the SDGs, UNEP is preparing to provide important intelligence on the progress we are making on the environmental dimension. The latest available data and estimates for 92 environment relevant SDG indicators tell us that the world is not on track to achieve the environmental dimension of the SDGs by 2030.

The largest economies in the world are rapidly transitioning new vehicle sales away from gasoline and diesel internal combustion engine vehicles to battery-powered electric vehicles. This transition is material intensive, requiring the rapid development of new supply chains to build the lithium ion batteries that power electric vehicles.

Nature-based solutions can help cities become more resilient, healthy and equitable. But for urban nature to reach its full potential, investments need to be substantially scaled up.

Nature-based solutions can help cities become more resilient, healthy and equitable. But for urban nature to reach its full potential, investments need to be substantially scaled up.

The past few years have demonstrated a remarkable level of volatility. Efforts to establish a “new normal” after the COVID-19 pandemic were interrupted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and a wave of food and energy crisis.

Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) – a speculative group of technologies to cool the Earth is being explored as climate action lags – requires far more research into its risks and benefits before any consideration for potential deployment, according to an Expert Panel convened by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Up to 10 million people could die annually by 2050 due to anti-microbial resistance (AMR), the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) said in this report, highlighting the need to curtail pollution created by the pharmaceuticals, agricultural and healthcare sectors.

The Nature Risk Profile: A Methodology for Profiling Nature Related Dependencies and Impacts guideline aims to enable the financial sector to measure and address nature-related risk by providing scientifically robust and actionable sustainability analytics on nature impacts and dependencies.
