Over the past decade, the Gambia has registered some progress in improving the nutritional status of children, particularly the reduction of the prevalence of stunting, wasting and underweight among children under five years of age.

The Cost of Hunger in Africa (COHA) is an African Union Commission (AUC) led initiative through which countries are able to estimate the social and economic impact of child undernutrition in a given year. About 16 countries are initially participating in the study. Sudan is part of the phase VI countries.

The past two decades have demonstrated the manifold pathways through which comprehensive and integrated social protection systems can enable and ensure food security and nutrition in Southern Africa.

Cooking school meals requires energy. In some countries, families are asked to contribute to fuel expenses or to provide firewood, failing which, children may be refused school meals. The acquisition of fuel, whether it is purchased or collected, is a considerable burden for schools that risks hindering the scale and scope of WFP’s programmes.

This document is a supplement to the Framework for reopening schools, originally published by UNICEF, UNESCO, World Bank, WFP, and UNHCR and provides practical guidance on how to reopen schools. As more countries move in that direction, lessons are beginning to emerge on what is working.

This report is the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) of The Gambia Agriculture and Food Security Project (GAFSp) in fulfilment of the requirement of the African Development Bank’s (AfDB’s) Integrated Safeguards System (ISS), which requires that all Bank-funded Projects either avoid completely negative impacts, or minimize such

The COVID-19 pandemic threatens to disrupt the livelihoods of thousands of vulnerable families in Zambia. This has the potential to reinforce poverty and deepen food and nutrition insecurity. Furthermore, economic disruptions that have slowed down investments, resulted in high unemployment and declined remittances.

This study provides insights into the functionality of marketplaces in Cox’s Bazar.

Following the release of the WFP COVID-19 Medium-term programme framework (MTPF), the Nutrition Division has developed a number of guidance tools and documents related to the MTPF pillars of work.

This report is the combined effort of four UN agencies (FAO, WFP, WHO, UNICEF) and the Government of Pakistan coming together to present the overall picture of where Pakistan stands in the efforts to eliminate hunger and malnutrition.
