This document is a supplement to the Framework for reopening schools, originally published by UNICEF, UNESCO, World Bank, WFP, and UNHCR and provides practical guidance on how to reopen schools. As more countries move in that direction, lessons are beginning to emerge on what is working.

With the number of under-five deaths at an all-time recorded low of 5.2 million in 2019, disruptions in child and maternal health services due to the COVID-19 pandemic are putting millions of additional lives at stake.

A joint report by the World Bank Group and the World Trade Organization—marks the first major effort to quantify how women are affected by trade through the use of a new gender-disaggregated labor dataset.

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) presents a major opportunity for African countries to bring 30 million people out of extreme poverty and to raise the incomes of 68 million others who live on less than $5.50 per day.

The COVID‐19 outbreak has placed many internal migrant workers in dire conditions, many losing their (mostly informal) jobs and unable to return home due to disruption to public transport services and movement restrictions.

Almost all commodity prices saw sharp declines during the past three months as the COVID-19 pandemic worsened. Mitigation measures have significantly reduced transport, causing an unprecedented decline in demand for oil, while weaker economic growth will further reduce overall commodity demand.

The COVID-19 virus that triggered a supply shock in China has now caused a global shock. Developing economies in East Asia and the Pacific (EAP), recovering from a trade war and struggling with a viral disease, now face the prospect of a global financial shock and recession.

Between May 2016-October 2017 Water Mission-Tanzania (WM-T), in partnership with World Bank, implemented experimental field trials in Tanzania in order to determine the viability and sustainability of solar-powered piped water supply systems and smart water metering technology as a mechanism to improve financial accountability for rural and urba

Women, Business and the Law (WBL) measures gender inequality in the law. The dataset identifies barriers to women's economic participation and encourages the reform of discriminatory laws.

India has among the lowest female labor force participation rates (LFPRs) in the world. In particular, low female LFPR is a drag on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth and an obstacle towards reaching a higher growth path. Women are also an untapped source of managerial and entrepreneurial skills.
