Four years ago, the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) was born. This ground-breaking exercise brought together government, non-governmental organisations and industry representatives, including Syngenta, to assess world agriculture. Potential authors were nominated and selected - and I was among them. All the authors were expected to draw on their own experience and interpretations of the available evidence, including that taken from peer-reviewed literature, but to leave their affiliations behind.

Food prices are on the rise and not only in India. The increase has been sharper still in in other Asian counties, such as Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia and Myanmar. The continent is paying for its neglect of agricultural research and irrigation. There has neen a dwindling of prime land and shrinkage of water supplies owing to industrialisation. The UN's Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific has stated that a boost in farm productivity is the only way out of the crisis. India urgently needs another Green Revolution.

The International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) was set up to take stock of our knowledge, technology and policy, and help find a way to feed the world without destroying it . With $12 million funding from the World Bank, UN Environment Programme, UN Food and Agriculture Organization and others, it has been a staggering enterprise, involving dialogue between farmers, industry, governments, non-governmental organisations and other civil society groups.

Bihar agriculture has the potential to grow rapidly so as to meet the existing shortages and assume primacy in the national agricultural economy. The State has immense agricultural

Pesticides are very expensive chemicals and require a lot of investment and research effort and thus their useful life needs to be prolonged through judicious use. Contrary to the opinion of many, it is now well established that pesticides have a definite role to play in pest management, as they offer the only means to combat damaging levels of pest incidence.

The structure, water use, fertiliser intake, sucrose content, and the very nature of sugar production in sugarcane are likely to undergo major changes with the modern tools of biotechnology and geneti

Scientists have discovered an unusual elephant repellent, which they claim can save hundreds of acres of paddy farms from the invasion of pachyderms.

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on Thursday gave its nod for continuation of the Social and Infrastructure Development Fund beyond 2007-08.

As part of a series of research collaborative programmes in the Indian scientific community, the Indo-Dutch relationship is all set to get a fillip in agri-biotechnology research.

Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal on Monday said that the State Government was committed to protect the interests of the fruit growers and deliver them best of the services to improve the quality and q
