Zimbabwe has reportedly recorded a 5, 5 percent reduction in mother to child HIV transmission in 2014 from 30 percent in 2009.

A report by the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) announces today in Addis Abeba that sixth Millennium Development Goal of halting and reversing the spread of HIV has been achieved

Africa: Addis - UN Agency Stresses Role of Partnerships to Finance Inclusive, Sustainable Industrial Development

The world has exceeded the AIDS targets of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 6 and is on track to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is growing in sub-Saharan Africa combined with an already high prevalence of infectious disease, like HIV. Engaging the formal employment sector may present a viable strategy for addressing both HIV and NCDs in people of working age.

The slow global response to the Ebola crisis in west Africa suggests that important gaps exist in donor financing for key global functions, such as support for health research and development for diseases of poverty and strengthening of outbreak preparedness. In this Health Policy, we use the International Development Statistics databases to quantify donor support for such functions.

The United Nations commended the world’s progress on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in a Monday report, saying that dire poverty across the world had dropped sharply.

Increasing secondary school attendance in Botswana slashed HIV infection rates of adults, with the greatest drop among women, a study finds.

Scientists may have managed to unravel the elusive structure of the HIV protein.

About 800 million people still live in dire poverty and suffer from hunger despite the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) being the most successful anti-poverty push in history, the
