Securing Food for All in Bangladesh presents an array of research that collectively address four broad issues: agricultural technology adoption; input use and agricultural productivity; food security and output market; and poverty, food security, and women’s empowerment.

Bangladesh’s extreme vulnerability to the effects of climate change is well documented. Through a complex pathway, climatic conditions have already negatively impacted human health worldwide. This is likely to escalate if predicted changes in weather patterns hold.

Bangladesh’s vulnerability to the effects of climate change is well documented; the evidence on the direct relationship between climate change and health focusing on Bangladesh is less so. Global evidence suggests intensification of climate change will increase incidences and variations of infectious diseases.

This report presents a synthesis of Bangladesh’s solar irrigation policies, highlights the current issues faced by the energy and groundwater sector in the context of solar irrigation, and describes how the SDC-SoLAR (Swiss Development Corporation-Solar Irrigation for Agricultural Resilience) project led by the International Water Management Ins

Wastewater-fed aquaculture has a long history, especially in Asia. This report examines three empirical cases of integrated wastewater treatment and aquaculture production.

Bangladesh, India and Nepal have significantly improved basic sanitation services to people who do not have access. However, the safe management of toilet waste is still in its infancy. Delivering safe and inclusive sanitation services along the whole service chain requires considerable investment.

In chapters 1 and 2, the report first reviews the current state of the clean-cooking market in Bangladesh, covering a variety of fuels and technologies based on the significance of market penetration in Bangladeshi households, including natural gas, LPG and Improved Cookstoves (ICSs).

Distributed photovoltaics are a growing technology for grid electricity consumers in low- and middle-income countries due to declining costs and government support. In Bangladesh, distributed photovoltaics iare part of broader solar and consumer programs.

This study, based on a primary survey conducted in Bangladesh in 2016, assesses the impact of contract farming in broiler production on profits and the adoption of food safety measures at the farm level.

Clear understandings from the Bangladesh government’s recently released 8th Five-Year Plan must be incorporated into the new energy and power master plan currently under development by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to drive zero carbon transformation and financial sustainability in the energy system, finds a new report from t
