While previous research has analyzed the impacts of Bt cotton in India, most available studies are based on one or two years of data only. This paper analyze the technology

Experts on Thursday emphasized the need for more research into biotechnology, as part of efforts to face challenges related to ensuring food security in the coming years in

International green groups attacked Europe's leading food safety agency on Wednesday for its views on biotech crops and foods, saying a recent opinion was flawed and had ignored studies highlighting safety concerns.

VELLORE: A call to the students of biology to take up the study of biodiversity and bio-resources was made by K.N. Ganeshaiah, Professor in the University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bangalore.

Guidelines Only Up To Pre-Clinical Stage

THE department of biotechnology (DBT) is planning to set up National Biotechnology Regulatory Board to specify and regulate development of drugs and vaccines from natural sources, such as humans, animals or micro-organism, a DBT official said.

The State Cabinet, on Monday, decided to adopt Bio-tech policy-2, which focuses on capacity building, deregulating certain provisions coming in the way of the growth of the sector, providing the much-needed fiscal incentives and concessions and building up the necessary infrastructure for the sector.

BHUBANESWAR: Members of All India Crop Biotechnology Association (AICBA) Wednesday called for adoption of innovative technologies to boost crop productivity to meet food security needs.

This document provides an overview of the main kinds of agricultural biotechnologies that have been used in the crop, forestry, livestock, fishery and agro-industry sectors in developing countries in the past and that were covered in a e-mail conference which runned from 8 June to 5 July 2009.

The present article reflects the author's authority and perception as how India should work towards sustainable food security.

The European Union took a step closer on Tuesday toward 10 more years of biotech cultivation after leading scientists reconfirmed the safety of the only genetically modified crop as yet commercially grown in Europe.

That crop is an insect-resistant maize type developed and marketed by U.S. company Monsanto, approved for a decade of growing in 1998 and now awaiting license renewal.
