Mahyco (Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company) will have to wait for one more year to launch Bt cottonseeds with Roundup Ready Flex (RRF) technology as Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) aske

Cry1Ac toxin concentration was assessed in leaves of Bt transgenic cotton hybrid grown on shallow (90 cm) black soils of Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. Cry toxin concentration increased up to 80 days after sowing followed by a steep decline. In general, toxin concentration was greater on the deep black soils than the shallow soil. This was because of greater water-holding capacity of the deep soils. Cry toxin concentration was closely related to the soil water content. Beyond (excess moisture) and below (moisture deficit) field capacity, toxin concentration declined.

The Rs 8,000-crore seed industry has asked the Andhra Pradesh Government to finalise prices of Bt cotton seeds by February-end every year.

Surgical cotton or absorbent cotton is in great demand all over the world, but with desi cotton — considered ideal raw material for it — being edged out, manufacturers have been banking heavily on

The diversity of opinions that debates about Bt brinjal have generated over the last year (for example, see refs 1–8) has contributed to the haziness of the future of the variety. This note attempts to collate the opinions of various scientists in the hope that some clarity may emerge if the different argu-
ments are presented in one place.

GM crops are being cultivated for the last 15 years in many countries and culminating in the last year, GM crops were planted in more than 1 billion hectares (b ha) by nearly 15 million farmers. In India, about 6.3 million farmers cultivated Bt cotton last year ( in more than 9 million hectares (m ha) for protection against the ravages of the most devastating cotton pest, the American bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera.

Transgenics or GE/GM crops are one of the oft-used tools of modern biotechnology, deployed in our food and farming systems.

India is a country mainly relied upon agriculture and for boosting up agricultural output availability of good quality of seeds to farmers is inevitable. To regulate the seed sector the Parliament has enacted the Seed Act 1966.

This publication includes statistics on the adoption of single and multiple gene Bt cotton hybrids; adoption of Bt cotton by major states in India as well as number of farmers adopting Bt cotton hybrids from 2002 to 2010.
