The Citizen Submissions on Enforcement Matters is administered by the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), a trilateral institution established by the governments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States as part of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC). The CEC received 55 submissions from June 1995 to May 2006, although these remain to be substantially discussed in the literature. This study fills in some of the gaps through an analysis of the submission process from an actor and results based perspective.

The Ontario government recently filed a complaint with the us Environmental Protection Agency. It has criticised proposals it believes will lead to more pollution on the Canadian side of the border

lawsuit filed: About 100 companies involved in snow-crab fishing in Quebec and New Brunswick in Canada, have filed a us $ 135 million lawsuit against the federal government. Filed in the Court of

Canada refuses Sumas:The federal court of Canada ruled out the possibility of establishing a US-based power plant near the Canadian border. The company, Sumas Energy 2, proposed to source natural gas

Pollution has allegedly tipped the gender balance in the Chemical Valley community, living among chemical plants in southwest Ontario, Canada. A review of Aamjiwnaang First Nation birth records,

Agent Orange in Canada: A class action lawsuit has been filed in Ottawa, Canada, by people who claim they were exposed to Agent Orange and other chemicals that were tested in the 1960s at a Canadian

Punjab s richest farmers

Pointless: A US federal appeals court recently heard arguments on a five-year-old battle over whether the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has the authority to regulate carbon dioxide (CO2)

organic reservoir: Spreading an ultra-thin layer of organic molecules on the surface of reservoirs could prevent millions of cubic metres of water evaporating each year, according to Flexible

September saw a slew of developments giving renewed impetus to the global movement against asbestos
