At least 22.7 percent of the working children in Savar upazila of Dhaka have been forced into child labour chiefly because of family problems and penury, according to a survey.

Chennai, October 1, 2013:  Mr. Menahem Kanafi, Israel Consul General to South-India was the Guest of Honor at Kodaikanal International School (KIS) Social Experience Program.  During his visit Mr Kanafi was introduced to a KIS Social Experience Project. Mr. Kanafi visited a village home where students of KIS had installed a ‘smokeless chulha or stove’.

Attributing to the immense value KIS’ Social Experience brings to the development of its students, Mr. Menahem Kanafi said “the program’s approach of mutual and reciprocal interaction with the community is paramount”.

This is the fourth issue of the ILO’s report series: Global Estimates on Child Labour. The present report provides new global and regional estimates on child labour for the year 2012 and compares them with the previous estimates for 2000, 2004 and 2008. It is four years since the previous estimates.

The majority of chronically poor people are economically active but the poor quality of that work, including its low-pay, dangerous conditions, insecurity and irregularity means that this work frequently maintains people in poverty rather than enabling poverty escapes.

The Labour Department of Sri Lanka says that a majority of the child laborers are below the age of 14 and also most of them are girls.

KARACHI: As the world observed international day against child labour, at least 10 million Pakistani children were reported engaged in labour practices, putting a big question mark on the status of

The District Secretary and the Administration of Ratnapura, assisted by the Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations, with technical and financial support from the ILO are embarking on a journey tha

This policy is to guide and inform all laws, policies, plans and programmes affecting children. All actions and initiatives of the national, state and local government in all sectors must respect and uphold the principles and provisions of this policy.

For the first time since Independence, India today adopted a policy document at the highest level to recognise every child’s right to survival, development, protection and participation and define

This FAO publication points out that agriculture accounts for most of the reported child labour in the world, and livestock accounts for some 40 percent of the agricultural economy.
