Children who cannot legally buy cigarettes harvest tobacco, use heavy machinery and climb into barn rafters to dry leaves.

Children working on tobacco farms in the United States are exposed to nicotine, toxic pesticides, and other dangers, Human Rights Watch said in a report released. While US law prohibits the sale of tobacco products to children, children can legally work on tobacco farms in the US.

LAHORE: The Provincial Development Working Party (PDWP) has approved an amount of Rs 6009.793 million for the elimination of child and bonded labour under an integrated project.

The problem of Child Labour poses a challenge before the State. Child Labour is a social malady and a major obstacle which deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, causing great harm to their physical and mental development.

Over 4.5 lakhs child labours engaged in various e-waste activities in India: ASSOCHAM study; India’s capital produces 67,000 MT of electronic waste a year.

In India, about 4.5 lakhs child labours between the age group of 10-14 are observed to be engaged in various e-waste (electronic waste) activities, without adequate protection and safeguards in various yards and recycling workshops, according to the ASSOCHAM recent study on ‘Earth Day’ (April 22).

Thursday, January 30, 2014 - Islamabad—National Assembly was informed that 4.57 percent of the children in age group 10 to 14 years are engaged in child labor as provinces are yet mulling legislati

Thursday, January 30, 2014 - Islamabad—National Assembly was informed that 4.57 percent of the children in age group 10 to 14 years are engaged in child labor as provinces are yet mulling legislati

ISLAMABAD - Residents of twin cities demanded to check child labour as the number of underage working children at various work places is increasing day by day.

Recognizing the need for further research within the broader domain of internal migration in India and especially on the condition of migrant children in Kolkata, in 2013, the Institute of Social Sciences, Kolkata collaborated with the UNICEF Office for West Bengal to jointly complete the proposed project called "Children of Migrant Poor in Kolk

This 2014 edition on "State of the World's Childre" by UNICEF report emphasizes the importance of credible, inclusive data about children's situations to realize children's rights, improve their lives and expose and address unequal access to protection and services.
