Stop sending your children to school with junk food, parents in Oman have been told by head teachers involved in a government healthy eating scheme.Some children sent to school with lunch boxes pac
Zimbabwe's weather department says record-breaking rains have fallen in southern districts - and it's claiming that children have been swept away by the floods.
As a result of the drought, a total of 174,000 children are not attending school in the affected counties, and 1,274 schools have no access to water, affecting 246,000 children.
The English and Romanian Adoptees study is a longitudinal, natural experiment investigation into the long-term outcomes of individuals who spent from soon after birth to up to 43 months in severe deprivation in Romanian institutions before being adopted into the UK.
Almost 1.4 million children suffering from severe malnutrition could die this year from famine in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen, the UN children's agency said Monday, February 20, accordi
The Western Cape health department has vaccinated 15,000 pupils and children against measles in Stellenbosch and Drakenstein in February, in an effort to prevent the spread of the disease.
Kampala — A Total of 11,798,600 million Ugandan children are at the verge of dying hunger and pneumonia due to lack of food and accommodation, advocates for inclusive social protection have warned.
Curbing outdoor air pollution may help prevent 2.7 million premature births a year, a condition that threatens children's lives and increases their risk of long-term physical and neurological probl
Concerned about the outbreak of measles in Yangon Region, the Department of Public Health has embarked on a mass vaccination campaign among children in five townships to curb the spread of the dise