Land use in China is in for irretrievable change. At the Third Plenum of the 16th Party Congress, held October 11 14, 2003, the world s biggest communist country promised to protect private property and allow farmers to amass large land holdings. Accordin

marine boom: An unprecedented census of marine life is reporting three new fish species a week on an average. In the first interim report of the census, an international team of scientists predicts

The Sensex stock index has risen by 75 per cent since April this year. The rupee is at a three year high. Global investment analysts Goldman Sachs predict that India is the fastest growing of the

Farm trade: it s developing countries vs EU US

China recently released a policy document debunking environmentalists accusations that it was exploiting the Himalayan region for the benefit of millions of Chinese who have migrated there. The document highlights the economic and environmental developm

China s stupendous success in exploiting bamboo for economic gains appears to have prompted India to follow suit. The heightened interest in this tallest member of the grass family is reflected in the latest Union budget

a trend towards smaller households is threatening biodiversity around the world, a new study finds. Both in deve

Both India and China are ancient civilisations possessing characteristic indigenous knowledge of conservation of natural ecosystems. The Chinese have recognised the potential of traditional knowledge and regard religious forests as an asset and an importa

US tops pollution charts

Yet another case of dumping of banned waste in developing countries has surfaced, this time in Cambodia. In the latest crackdown, three persons were arrested for unauthorised shipping of plastic bags
