As species face rapid environmental change, we can build resilient populations through restoration projects that incorporate predicted future climates into seed sourcing decisions. Eucalyptus melliodora is a foundation species of a critically endangered community in Australia that is a target for restoration. We examined genomic and phenotypic variation to make empirical based recommendations for seed sourcing. We examined isolation by distance and isolation by environment, determining high levels of gene flow extending for 500 km and correlations with climate and soil variables.

Climate change impacts are most severe in developing countries with limited adaptive capacity. Accordingly, in Africa, climate change adaptation has become an issue of international funding and practice. As suggested in the Introduction to this special issue, administrative traditions could play a role in how adaptation plays out. This, however, raises questions about how foreign funding regimes coincide with recipients' administrative traditions, especially on the African continent where administrative traditions are often meagerly established.

The Youth under the banner of National Youth Network on Climate Change (NYNCC) have bemoaned their inadequate participation in the formulation of strategies that address issues of climate change.

A UN environment expert has called for the adoption of conservation agriculture in Africa to help save the continent from climate change.

This brief from SEI, IDDRI and ODI finds that a transboundary view of climate risk creates opportunities for international cooperation on adaptation. This brief asserts that the critical importance of adaptation is still under-valued in international negotiations.

LILONGWE-(MaraviPost)-Young people converging at the first ever national youth conference on climate change under way in the capital Lilongwe have one voice, calling Malawi government include them

This report assess the value of insurance as an approach to reducing climate and disaster risk among poor and vulnerable people and identifies key options and challenges.

Trade and social networking helped our Homo sapiens ancestors survive a climate-changing volcanic eruption 40,000 years ago, giving hope that we will be able to ride out global warming by staying i

Yak – the lifeline of pastoral nomads in high altitudes of the Indian Himalayan region – is facing the threat of gradually rising temperatures in the region.

EPTRI launches programmes on climate change adaptation
