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This paper offers a perspective on the intersection between climate change and inequality. It highlights the effects of climate mitigation on workers, entrepreneurs and consumers, aiming to mobilize governments and businesses to maximize opportunities and minimize risks in the green transition.

There are multiple interdependent approaches to climate adaptation, including economic incentives, policy and regulation, locally-led intervention, and nature-based approaches.

This study investigates the major climate-related risks for households in the EU by quantifying the relationship between a set of selected climate-hazards metrics, households’ income by source, and sector-specific expenditures, capturing both the climate induced cost of impacts and adaptation measures.

This report written by the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with Oliver Wyman, provides an in-depth economic analysis of how climate change will reshape health landscapes over the next two decades.

A compendium of field stories showcasing experiences from Asian and African countries, including India was launched. The compendium will help in capacity building and scaling up the best practices in the adoption of millets across the world.

The Global Water Monitor provides free, rapid and global information on climate and water resources. This summary report contains information on rainfall, air temperature, humidity, soil and groundwater conditions, vegetation access to water, river flows, flooding, and lake volumes in 2023.

Drawing on nearly two decades of original risks perception data, the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2024 warns of a global risks landscape in which progress in human development is being chipped away slowly, leaving states and individuals vulnerable to new and resurgent risks.

Global temperatures reached exceptionally high levels in 2023. The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) monitored several key climate indicators throughout the year, reporting on record-breaking conditions such as the hottest month on record and daily global temperature averages briefly surpassing pre-industrial levels by more than 2°C.

Somalia has remained on a strong economic reform path despite the various global and exogenous shocks that have continued to buffet the economy.

Sustainability, for long, has been at the core of Indian lifestyle and its indigenous knowledge and sustainable practices have played a crucial role in helping people be informed and make environmentally conscious consumption choices.
