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In this report, UNEP Executive Director identified six areas where the sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly may wish to compel more effective, inclusive and sustainable multilateral action: Implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, Advancing integrated approaches for a water-secure world, Ensuring

Waste and circular economy actions contribute to reducing the need for new primary materials and the associated greenhouse gas emissions linked to the extraction and processing of resources.

Cross-border guarantees are an important but underused tool for mobilizing private climate finance. A recent OECD evaluation found that guarantees leveraged 26% of all mobilized private finance between 2018-2020 and were among the preferred risk mitigation tools of private investors.

The global COVID-19 recovery presented an exceptional opportunity for countries to integrate climate adaptation and resilience into a significant, yet unforeseen, increase in public spending in line with the Paris Agreement.

India urgently requires substantial investment in climate adaptation efforts to sustain progress on development. Recognizing the criticality of the impact of climate change for development and growth, India has anchored its adaptation approach within the country’s wider development goals.

The Reserve Bank of India has placed on its website the Draft guidelines on Disclosure framework on Climate-related Financial Risks, 2024.

Analyzing how intensifying climate change threatens to increase poverty and hunger in Asia and the Pacific, this report highlights the need for transformative solutions that advance climate action, increase resilience, and protect hard-fought development gains.

Pricing forest carbon and putting in place the means and channels to pay for it are necessary conditions to achieve the 2030 mitigation goals. Yet, after more than 15 years of discussion, payments for emissions reductions from forests continue to be unreasonably low, both in terms of price and volume.

Climate change is creating significant risks for people, livelihoods and the economy of Rajasthan, particularly to water and food security. The UN estimates India's climate inaction over the past two decades incurred direct costs totalling INR 13.14 lakh crore (USD 179.5 billion).

National climate ambitions have been hampered by a lack of understanding of the impacts of the transition to a low-carbon economy as well as the consequences of inaction.
