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The heatwave affecting India from March to May 2022 was exceptional for its record temperatures, its early onset, its unusually long duration and the large area that was affected.

This report explains why strengthening the governance around public investment management is central to cutting inefficiencies and unblocking the climate finance needed to narrow Asia and the Pacific’s gaping infrastructure gap.

The Ethiopia Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) aims to support Ethiopia’s plans to achieve its development goals within the context of a changing climate.

Based on WRI India’s work in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala, the report drives the case for integrating equity into climate action planning, enabling Indian city officials, planners, consultants and community members to deepen their understanding of urban climate hazards, its causes and its impact on communities.

In this report, UNEP Executive Director identified six areas where the sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly may wish to compel more effective, inclusive and sustainable multilateral action: Implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, Advancing integrated approaches for a water-secure world, Ensuring

Waste and circular economy actions contribute to reducing the need for new primary materials and the associated greenhouse gas emissions linked to the extraction and processing of resources.

Cross-border guarantees are an important but underused tool for mobilizing private climate finance. A recent OECD evaluation found that guarantees leveraged 26% of all mobilized private finance between 2018-2020 and were among the preferred risk mitigation tools of private investors.

The global COVID-19 recovery presented an exceptional opportunity for countries to integrate climate adaptation and resilience into a significant, yet unforeseen, increase in public spending in line with the Paris Agreement.

India urgently requires substantial investment in climate adaptation efforts to sustain progress on development. Recognizing the criticality of the impact of climate change for development and growth, India has anchored its adaptation approach within the country’s wider development goals.

The Reserve Bank of India has placed on its website the Draft guidelines on Disclosure framework on Climate-related Financial Risks, 2024.
