The population of the world's largest primate, Grauer's gorilla, found only in the conflict-plagued Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), declined calamitously in 20 years according to a report c

Activist groups in Democratic Republic of Congo urged the government on Thursday to revive plans for a new mining code, saying the higher revenues it would generate were vital to supporting a young

Conservationists have called for urgent action to stop armed militia and illegal mining in protected central African forests from driving the elusive okapi to extinction.

TORONTO (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Africa's small farmers, more than half of whom buy their seeds from local informal markets, need access to improved seeds that can yield more food and cope wi

This report documents the hazardous conditions in which artisanal miners, including thousands of children, mine cobalt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It goes on to trace how this cobalt is used to power mobile phones, laptop computers, and other portable electronic devices.

In Kinshasa, malaria remains a major public health problem but its spatial epidemiology has not been assessed for decades now. The city’s growth and transformation, as well as recent control measures, call for an update. To identify highly exposed communities and areas where control measures are less critically needed, detailed risk maps are required to target control and optimize resource allocation.

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African countries have agreed to cooperate in setting limits for use of lead in paints with a view to phasing it out by 2020.

PARIS (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Protecting increasingly threatened forests in central Africa’s Congo Basin will require not just cash but African governments enforcing their own forest regulat

At least 31 people have died in Democratic Republic of Congo's capital Kinshasa in the last three weeks in the worst flooding in years, the provincial interior minister said on Tuesday, warning con

As France brokers talks on a global deal to cut carbon emissions at the Paris climate summit, Global Witness reveals how the French Development Agency (FDA) has invested over 120 million euros in l
