Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development (FIELD) held a Workshop on international decision making following Copenhagen from 24 - 25 March 2010 at London.

This document contains the talk on

Climate change has received unprecedented attention of the world leaders and media as well as activists, industrialists and ordinary citizens. The scientific community and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in particular have been pleading for action to halt global warming and the resulting climate change.

This note outlines a scheme for mobilizing financing to help developing countries confront the challenges posed by climate change. The idea is to create a

New Delhi: Even though the US climate bill is in doldrums, the Obama administration is going to organise the 17-country Major Economies Forum meeting in April to spur debate with the key players, such as India and China.

Beijing: Chinese premier Wen Jiabao indicated on Sunday he was snubbed by leaders of developed countries during the Copenhagen climate change summit. He was not given an invitation for the small-scope meeting although China

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Sunday disclosed he was snubbed at the Copenhagen climate change conference in December last year as he was not notified of a key meeting of a group of countries on the eve of the summit of leaders.

MUCH has been written about the recent Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change that will continue to reverberate. Copenhagen was not supposed to be the be all and end all on environmental matters. It was part of a process and, even if it disappointed many, it remains a significant secondbest milestone, which will determine the future of climate change negotiations.

The European Commission today proposed that the European Union continue to press for a

BEIJING: China said it will not deviate from its stand on climate change even after it gave qualified approval to the Copenhagen climate accord on Tuesday. It expects India to stick to its stand as well, a senior Chinese official said on Wednesday.
