This paper assesses the state of the adaptation negotiations under the UNFCCC after the historic climate summit of Copenhagen. It compares the current draft negotiating text (June 2010) and compares it to key essentials that an ambitious adaptation action framework needs to contain to assist developing countries living up to the challenge of adaptation.
This report analyses the emissions reduction targets submitted under the Copenhagen Accord by developed and developing countries in matters of four key questions: Do the pledges add up to the emission reductions required necessary by science?;
What are the costs associated with meeting the given targets?;
Are the proposed emission reduction efforts of Annex I parties
Picking up from the outcome of the Copehagen talks last year, which left most countries bruised or confused, climate talks are set to kickstart this year again, with the first formal negotiations beginning on June 1 in Bonn, Germany.
AHEAD of the June climate-change negotiations in Bonn, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) has released the text by the chair of the Bali track (ad hoc group on longterm co-operative action) of the negotiations. The text represents a victory for the developing countries as it incorporates the Copenhagen Accord into it.
As UN members meet in Bonn this month to discuss climate strategy, India has said it will not accept any pact that ''erodes'' the differentiation between rich and developing nations set forth in Bali Action Plan centred on historic responsibilities on greenhouse gas emissions.
As UN members meet in Bonn this month to discuss climate strategy, India has said it will not accept any pact that "erodes" the differentiation between rich and developing nations set forth in Bali Action Plan centred on historic responsibilities on greenhouse gas emissions.