Copenhagen was an unprecedented moment in the history of climate change policy. Heads of State

This paper reflects the state of the REDD negotiations at the end of the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference. The paper examines some of the main areas for moving ahead with REDD implementation, including principles and actions; measurement, reporting and verification (MRV); institutional arrangements; means of implementation and financing.

The path of economic growth that started with the industrial revolution in Europe has, after about 200 years, left humanity trapped in the imbroglio of climate change. To address the global warming and related changes in the earth

This short piece analyzes the background and content of the Copenhagen Accord on climate change, which was agreed to last December by leaders of roughly 25 countries, including all of the world's major economies. Although the Copenhagen Accord is a political rather than a legal instrument and has been criticized by some as inadequate or worse, it represents a potentially significant breakthrough.

This briefing note focuses specifically on the treatment of adaptation in the political declaration known as the Copenhagen Accord

The world

PRETTY speeches can take you only so far. A month after the Copenhagen climate conference, it is clear that the world

Ever since his second term as prime minister began in May, Manmohan Singh has been out on foreign tours so often that in South Block he is now jocularly known as the 'Flying Sikh'--a sobriquet reserved for India's most famous athlete of the 1960s.

This presentation shows the features of Copenhagen Accord: budget for 2020, cumulative injustice and how the burden of emission cut shifted to India, Inequity: Frozen and decided, how Copenhagen Accord is bad maths and worse politics.

Rejects Accord, Leaves UPA Govt Flustered On
