
The spate of farmer suicides in Vidarbha has been callously disregarded. (Editorial)

Despite many policy measures taken by the central and state governments, the indebtedness of farmers, especially marginal and small cultivators, keeps increasing. Some recent studies on agrarian distress show the significant role of healthcare expenditure in increasing indebtedness.

This paper focuses on the economic impact of the global crisis on South Asia and the policy measures pursued.It analyzes the effectiveness of these policies and raises the critical longerterm issues, which to date have largely been ignored.

The Global Development Finance 2010: External Debt of Developing Countries provides comprehensive data from 128 developing countries showing the impact of the financial crisis on their access to international capital flows.

This report from the Green New Deal Group argues that the UK is currently missing a historic opportunity in the pre-budget report to tackle public debt, create thousands of new green jobs and kick-start the transformation to a low-carbon economy.

Despite signs of recovery from the global financial crisis, the GDP growth rate for the Indian economy is likely to be between 5.8 to 6.1 per cent in 2009-10, below the 6.7 per cent recorded in fiscal 2008-09. While there has been an improvement in Indian

DROUGHT conditions triggered a pest attack in 12 paddy growing districts of Orissa. The swarming caterpillars (Spodoptera mauritia) ruined crops on 89,000 hectares (ha) of the four million ha under paddy cultivation in the state. Sambalpur district was the worst affected; paddy crops on nearly 33,000 ha were destroyed by the pest, called leda poka in Orissa. In Malkangiri district,

Chhattisgarh has for long been in the national eye for its Naxal threat. But few know of its other grave crisis that has been kept carefully under wraps

The Trade and Development Report 2009 presents a gloomy global economic outlook in the context of the ongoing global financial and economic crisis.

The Ministry of Rural Development in association with states/UTs conducts the BPL Census generally in the beginning of a Five Year Plan. The objective of the BPL Census is to identify the rural households living Below the Poverty Line who could be provided assistance under various programmes of the Ministry.
