Government must consider compensation for victims of the devastating tropical storm that wreaked havoc mainly in Manicaland's south-eastern district early this year, leaving over 400 people dead an

The Nepal Disaster Report, 2019 tries to comprehensively map the events, activities and programs carried out by the government, non government sectors and other humanitarian partner during the years, 2017 and 2018. This report presents a brief background on different risk of hazards along with the impact.

The High-level Experts and Leaders Panel on Water and Disasters (HELP), the network to mobilize political will for combating water-related disasters, has developed the “Principles on Investment and Financing for Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction,” acknowledged by the High-Level Panel on Water.

Many developing countries are vulnerable to natural disasters that can have large human and economic costs: disaster risk management for these countries is a macro-critical challenge.

The frequency of natural disasters, especially storms and floods, has been increasing globally over the last several decades. Developing countries are especially vulnerable to such disasters but are often the least capable of coping with the associated impacts because of their limited adaptive capacity.

During 2017-2018, 214 cities/municipalities from Asia (88), the Americas (50), Sub-Saharan Africa (50), and Arab States (26) conducted the preliminary level assessment of the Disaster Resilience Scorecard for Cities, as part of the initiative, “Making Cities Sustainable and Resilient: Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Redu

During 2017-2018, 214 cities/municipalities from Asia (88), the Americas (50), Sub-Saharan Africa (50), and Arab States (26) conducted the preliminary level assessment of the Disaster Resilience Scorecard for Cities, as part of the initiative, “Making Cities Sustainable and Resilient: Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Redu

Surface water floods (SWFs) that lead to household losses are mainly localized phenomena. Research on describing the associated precipitation characteristics has previously been based on case studies and on the derivation of local rainfall thresholds, but no approaches have yet been presented on the national scale. Here, we propose a new way to overcome this scaling problem.

After farmer Manza Bulacho's crops were wiped out in a drought that devastated parts of Ethiopia in 2017, the father of 10 hoped a cow could keep him going.

Large-scale catastrophic and smaller recurrent disasters generate considerable economic losses. Over the past thirty years, damages from major disasters have increased significantly.
