This edition of Environment Matters arrives just as the international community embarks on a two-year process to secure a new global framework to limit the amounts of greenhouse gases (GHGs) entering the atmosphere and devise ways to help developing countries adapt to and prepare themselves for the effects of climate change.

India is highly vulnerable to floods and out of the total geographical area of 329 mha, more than 40 mha is flood prone. Floods are recurrent phenomenon, which cause huge loss of lives and damage to livelihood system, property, infrastructure and public utilities.

cyclone Sidr hit Bangladesh on the night of November 15, killing thousands of people and severely damaging paddy crops just before harvest, and the Sundarbans. Though the official death toll till

In the post-tsunami period, in the midst of hectic relief work, the Social Activities for Rural Development Society (SARDS), an NGO working in the Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh, made a startling discovery. While every government and voluntary agency in the area was bending over backwards to offer relief to the fishing community, the 35,000 odd salt making community in the district was left totally out of the ambit of all relief and aid work. Dec 2007

Extreme drought has forced authorities to declare state of emergency in Georgia, usa. The emergency was declared in 85 northern counties. "This is the single worst drought in Georgia's history,' said

The Comptroller and Auditor General's (cag's) audit report for Maharashtra tabled on April 18, 2007 scrutinised the post-flood disaster relief expenditure in the year 2005 and 2006. It indicated that

there has been a surge in accidents in chemicals industries of late. The most recent accident happened in a chemical factory near Ahmedabad where a blast claimed four lives on June 4. A week

These rules may be called the Jammu and Kashmir Disaster Management Rules, 2007.

India's first radio station on disaster management will be on air in a few months. Kalanjiam, a community radio network will begin broadcast from Chennai. The radio station will have programmes

India's Tsunami Early-Warning System in the Indian Ocean is close to completion, but authorities are clueless about how to circulate alerts. An interim system has been in place since July 2005 and
