The National Green Tribunal (NGT) on Tuesday asked Panama-based Delta Shipping Marine Services SA and its two Qatar-based sister companies to pay R100 crore as damages for the 2011 Mumbai oil spill
The drier, warmer autumn weather that's becoming more common due to climate change may extend summer smog well into the fall in the Southeastern US in the years ahead, according to a study publishe
NOIDA: The State-level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) has issued terms of reference to the Noida Metro Rail Corporation for an inspection in September, which is necessary for the p
The widespread devastation in Madhya Pradesh following heavy rain can be traced to the loot of natural resources and ecocidal model of development, ‘Waterman’ Rajendra Singh said on Sunday.
Lok Sabha MP Bhavna Gawali, who chaired the session on 'Containing Climate Change-Imperatives of Global Cooperation', said that India takes care of the issue of climate change in its development ag
The WII's is carrying out a longer study on the Kuno habitat to assess the status of prey, predators, disease prevalence among carnivore communties, human impacts and people's perceptions to lion r
Plans to drill for oil in the pristine Great Australian Bight marine park will significantly increase the risk of oil spills, both from the oil rigs and the increased shipping traffic, according to