The Global Forest Review (GFR) provides accessible, comprehensive, and data-driven insights to better inform protection, restoration, and sustainable management of forests worldwide. Delivered through a dynamic online platform, the GFR tracks vital trends on the extent, condition, use, and social and ecological values of forests globally.

The Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation has initiated the work of compilation of environmental accounting under the “Natural Capital Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services” Project.

Soil organisms play a crucial role in boosting food production, enhancing nutritious diets, preserving human health, remediating polluted sites and combating climate change, but their contribution remains largely underestimated, FAO said in its first ever report on "The State of Knowledge of Soil Biodiversity".

This report seeks to explore the current status of mainstreaming biodiversity into production sectors — in theory and in practice. It first explores a number of key concepts of biodiversity mainstreaming.

Wealth Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES) is a global partnership that uses natural capital accounting to mainstream naturalcapital considerations into economic policy.

This paper discusses how debt-for-climate swaps can be useful “triple-win” instruments to address the climate crisis by ensuring the protection of valuable terrestrial and marine ecosystems, while also contributing to debt sustainability.

There is increasing recognition of the need to bring about changes across the full spectrum of agricultural practices to ensure that, in future, food production systems are more diverse, sustainable and resilient.

Lack of policies regulating impact on natural world means finance industry effectively bankrolling biodiversity loss, analysis finds. The world’s largest investment banks provided more than $2.6tn (£1.9tn) of financing linked to the destruction of ecosystems and wildlife last year, according to a new report.

Rising inequality, biodiversity loss, the growing impact of climate change and unrelenting pressure on natural resources could lead to irreversible environmental damage in the Mediterranean basin, according to a new report by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

The annual economic value of ecosystem services provided by the Delhi zoo works out to be ₹426 crore, an assessment by the The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and commissioned by the Central Zoo Authority has found.
