Despite the numerous benefits associated with cleaner alternatives, the transition to improved fuels and stoves has not progressed hugely in Sub-Saharan Africa. Why is it that so often, well designed, efficient and clean stoves fail to penetrate the market in developing countries?

After successful implementation of the compact fluorescent lamps scheme to save electricity, the Delhi Government is finding it difficult to find an agency for the disposal of the CFL lamps.

The Environment Department of Delhi Government has written to civic bodies-New Delhi Municipal Council and Municipal Corporation of Delhi to make arrangement for disposal of CFL lamps immediately.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday unveiled a 125-million-dollar programme to improve the country's inadequate electricity supply. Hillary also announced the first phase of the energy programme, which would help repair power facilities and promote energy efficiency. The projects, she said, have been designed in close collaboration and consultations with Pakistan government.

General Electric Co unveiled two investments in start-up clean technology companies on Wednesday as part of its strategy of focusing on ways for business to generate and use energy more efficiently.


: All types of energy use results in environmental costs. Our transportation, food production, manufacturing, governments, recreation and household management all consume energy.

The Energy Statistics in Asia and the Pacific (1990-2006) is a compilation of energy production, trade, transformation and consumption of the regional members of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Asia and the Pacific.

NO SUITS, TIES, IN SUMMER: In a bid to save electricity, Bangladesh prime minister Sheikh Hasina has asked all male colleagues and male government employees to wear suits, jackets and ties only in winter. During the hot months, between March and November, they have been asked to wear trousers and shirts which need not be tucked in. Doing so, said Hasina, would minimize the use of

The ubiquitous but highly inefficient 60-watt light bulb badly needs a makeover. And it could be worth millions in government prize money

So, have you enjoyed the debate over health care reform? Have you been impressed by the civility of the discussion and the intellectual honesty of reform opponents?

If so, you

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is ready to put his star power to work for President Barack Obama on the environment when his own term ends next year, the former movie actor said on Thursday.
