15 Nov 2011


It's time the green brigade joins the banker-bashing, Occupy Wall Street movement

Another climate summit and another potential disappointment facing the green brigade. Even before it officially kick-starts, there is a widespread feeling that the Durban Summit is expected to be another brick in the collapsing climate wall. The reason this time, though, is that governments in the West are overwhelmed by the sovereign financial crisis and hence climate change mitigation action is out of the window.

Budget speech 2011-2012: Shiela Dikshit, Chief Minister, Govt of NCT of Delhi.

The Finance Ministry today signed a loan agreement with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for $208 million for the third tranche of the Himachal Pradesh Clean Energy Development Investment Program.

According to a Finance Ministry statement, this facility is for a series of loans to provide funding for four hydropower projects totalling 856 MW in Himachal Pradesh, for an amount of $800 million fr

A special report on the succesful micro-financed solar energy systems programme by Grameen Shakti in Bangladesh's rural areas. This is perhaps worlds's fastest growing rural renewable energy programme managed by Grameen Shakti with an extensive on-the-ground presence and service network of 1,159 offices staffed by 8,975 employees across the country.

This study focuses on the World Bank

The International Energy Agency (IEA) published the results of its global Energy Efficiency Governance study as a summary handbook and a detailed report. This study aims to provide government officials and stakeholders with guidance on how to establish effective structures to promote energy efficiency.

ITANAGAR, Sep 17 (PTI): Arunachal Pradesh was today assured of funds by the Centre for border management and integrated development of the power sector.

"The UPA government is aware of Arunachal's problems and is working for infrastructure development of this landlocked state," Union Minister of State for Planning and Parliamentary Affairs V Narayanasamy told reporters here.

Funds would be p
