Every drop of palm oil used by Unilever PLC’s European food business, in products from Magnum ice cream to I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter spreads, will come from sustainable sources by the end of

Strict management and warm hospitality are distinctive characteristics of Japan

A majority of US packaged foods labeled as “natural” and tested by Consumer Reports actually contained a substantial level of genetically modified ingredients, according to a report issued Tuesday

The Institute of Grocery Distribution (IGD) has launched a 'Working on Waste' campaign to bring UK food and grocery companies together to help their employees reduce household food waste.

Multinational food and beverage company Nestlé has teamed up with a number of organisations and made a host of new CSR commitments to help accelerate its sustainability strategy.

Swiss corporate giant Nestle pledged broad new animal welfare standards for its worldwide suppliers Thursday, becoming the latest major food company looking to limit some of the harmful effects of

Campaigns don’t need to be an all-dancing, all-singing affair to be a success.

Farmers, horticulturalists, agricultural officials and scientists are optimistic about the proposed Rs 1,000 crore funding by the World Bank for the horticultural post-harvest modernisation project

Adoption of an integrated approach to facilitate development of an agriculture and food processing industry in Uttarakhand can create 320,000 additional employment opportunities.

Uttarakhand has a thriving hotel industry, but there is only one food sample testing laboratory in all of the 13 districts of the state.
