The Western Ghats is distinct for its inter-woven network of protected, reserved and community conserved forest areas comprising wildlife corridors spanning long distances, cutting across boundaries that segment it into states. The area has for long been, under constant pressure from unplanned and unrestrained "developmental activities" like mining, thermal power plants, industries, commercial tourism and construction projects, notwithstanding the fragility of its ecosystem.

This paper offers an overview of the Indian state’s alternative or sustainable development trajectories as well as the more mainstream policy decisions for high-growth objectives in the global economy.

Status report on implementation of the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 for the period ending 31st March, 2012. As per the information collected till 31st March, 2012, more than 31.75 lakh claims have been filed and more than 12.50 lakh titles have been distributed.

For over 16 years the Supreme Court has been hearing two major petitions concerning forests and wildlife. Writ petition 337/1995 filed by the Centre for Environmental Law (part of WWF) concerns protected areas (PAs) and writ petition 202/1995, is the omnibus forest petition widely known as the Godavarman case. The first landmark order in the second petition was delivered on December 12, 1996. In an unprecedented but hugely valuable effort, both the cases have been kept open under the writ of continuing mandamus.

It seeks fresh review by experts, new conditions, compliance with deadline

The Rs.51,000-crore Posco steel project in Odisha is back in limbo with the National Green Tribunal suspending the Environment Ministry's nod for the country's single largest FDI venture. The government has been told to have a fresh review conducted by experts to recommend new conditions and ensure compliance with a clear deadline.

The directive puts the current single-largest FDI in the country at risk

Within days of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s assurance to South Korea that all was well with the $12-billion Posco project, the situation has taken a new turn. In a major setback to the South Korean steel giant, the National Green Tribunal today suspended the environment clearance granted to Posco’s proposed mega project in Orissa a year ago.

National Green Tribunal (NGT) has suspended the environment clearance granted to the proposed POSCO project in Orissa on grounds of faulty Environment Impact Assessment.
Read text of this NGT verdict appreciated by the anti-POSCO activists.

This note is an outcome of contributions of information through the CFR‐LA (Learning and Advocacy) process from multiple Civil Society Organisations and individuals working in implementation of CFRs, observations from CFR case studies undertaken with support from Oxfam and inputs of participants in the National Consultation on CFRs.

A national workshop in Hyderabad deliberated on adivasi rights and the organisation of legal clinics, addressing the issues faced by the vulnerable communities among them.

Exploring the prospects of the ecosystem services approach for natural resource management and poverty alleviation in India, this paper points out that it is vital to have an understanding of the political economy of negotiations over natural resource use. An appreciation of the synergies and trade-offs between ecosystem services is equally important to develop better strategies for pro-poor ecosystem management.
