New Delhi: Within days of FM Pranab Mukherjee deciding against imposition of additional tax on diesel vehicles, Hyundai has finalized plans to set up a diesel engine plant in India.

The much-maligned diesel has a new moniker that is more impressive than its dirty fuel tag.

Around the same time the finance minister was reading out his Budget speech, Honda Motors was applying the final touches to its long-term diesel game plan for India, which will culminate in India e

A final decision on the fuel efficiency norms for cars has been laid at the doorstep of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. This fructuous issue has seen much wrangling between the automobile industry, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency and experts outside the government.

BEE head Ajay Mathur said, “We are close to finalisation. There are a number of parties involved and we want to ensure that what we do fuses the interests of the different stakeholders.”

After hanging fire for many years, the fuel efficiency standards for cars are being finalised and a decision is likely to be taken soon by Prime Minister Mr Manmohan Singh.

New Delhi: The Prime Minister’s Office will decide whether the country will have fuel efficiency standards for cars or not.

NEW DELHI: The Prime Minister's Office will decide whether the country will have fuel efficiency standards for cars or not.

Canada heaves sigh of relief. The European Union’s plan to rank oil extracted from tar sands as highly polluting hit a roadblock as its fuel quality directive committee (a group of experts) could not reach a unanimous decision in the voting held on February 23. The oil extracted from tar sands, like those found in the Canadian province of Alberta, was to be given a default value of 107 grams of CO2 equivalent per megajoule (MJ).

In the 15 years since Toyota introduced the Prius hybrid in Japan, the public’s understanding of how these automotive wonders work their magic has generally ranked right alongside its comprehension

Doing so has major implications for public health but moving to a market-linked fuel pricing policy makes more sense.
