Climate and demographic changes are two major long-term trends that are evolving simultaneously. The global population is aging, while climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of weather-related disasters and lowering productivity. This paper examines the macroeconomic effects of these three changes in a common framework.

Nigeria’s economy needs to grow faster to reduce poverty. Despite favorable global oil prices, “business as usual” economic management is not delivering desired outcomes and, even if a crisis is avoided in the near-term, long-standing policy and institutional challenges are persisting and severely constraining the economy.

In this publication, take stock of the knowledge and know-how induced by the BIODEV2030 project’s first step, which is to assess the main threats to biodiversity and provide elements to address the following specific questions: how were main threats to biodiversity identified and ranked and associated sectors selected in each country?

This year’s Global Health Expenditure Report: Rising to the Pandemic's Challenges reveals how health expenditure was impacted during 2020, the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report explores: Whether the health spending patterns by governments, households, and donors changed during the first year of the COVID-19?

The Pacific region is at a crossroads. The advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals aspirations across all sectors are facing the test of international solidarity.

This report assesses social protection measures in Asia, shows how they help tackle crises such COVID-19 and climate change, and outlines the need for more inclusive, shock-responsive policies to cut poverty and spur equitable development.

Climate change is already affecting people’s lives and livelihoods in Angola, as well as the Angolan economy. The country is experiencing increasingly severe and frequent climate hazards, including the South’s worst prolonged droughts in decades.

India’s economy has demonstrated resilience despite a challenging external environment, says the World Bank in its latest India Development Update, a World Bank flagship publication.

Labour markets are recovering from the COVID-19 crisis in Asia and the Pacific, but now face new challenges like inflation and geopolitical tensions.

Humanity is embedded in nature and depends profoundly on the goods and services it generates. Future economic development and well-being hinge on healthy and resilient ecosystems that provide our food and raw materials, drinking water, clean air, and the stability of the climate system.
