NYT News Service
Earthquake prediction is frustrating and scientists don't know how pieces of the Earth's crust that usually squeeze together tightly slip past each other smoothly during a large quake. Sometimes, human activity is also responsible for quakes, writes Kenneth Chang

Earthquake study centres to be linked for integrated analysis THE Chinese claim to predict earthquakes by observing animal behaviour and phenomenon such as sudden disappearance of water from lakes and wells. Scientists around the world have tried to do the same by studying parameters like changes in seismic activity and electromagnetic radiations and checking water bodies for increase in


A map of the world

The conference on 'Quaternary Geological Processes: Natural Hazards and Climate Change' came to an end on Thursday with geologists calling for improvement in the dating techniques used in study of sediments so as to gather more information about the undated sequences.

This paper focuses on the shifting contours of the anti-Tehri dam movement in the past three decades. It examines the changing declarations of environmentalists, especially Sunderlal Bahuguna and other leaders of the movement on the one hand, and the involvement of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad in the anti-dam politics on the other.

If you are talking about the Himalayas, then Mountains of Concrete is not a very apt title for a report in many ways. In fact, when a meeting to launch this report in Delhi was announced, some officials of the water resources establishment were angry. They felt this was an insult to the dam building plans of the government.

22 January, 2009 - More than 50 experts from India, Pakistan, Nepal, UK, Switzerland, Thailand and Bhutan have gathered in Paro to discuss glacial lake outburst, its threats and prevention measures. For Bhutan whose very survival depends on the stability of the lakes, officials say it is a much-needed workshop.

life sciences It is the small ones Smaller mosquitoes are better at transmitting diseases than larger ones. Researchers in the US fed mosquitoes blood contaminated with dengue virus and tested them for infection. Smaller-sized mosquitoes showed higher infection rates and greater potential to transmit the virus. Even a slight difference in the body sizes of Asian tiger and yellow fever

A national seminar on
