Temperatures in the western part of Antarctica are rising almost twice as fast as previously believed, adding to fears that continued thaws are causing sea levels to rise, according to comprehensiv

The Arctic Report Card considers a wide range of environmental observations throughout the Arctic, and is updated annually.

Depletion in, what is, the nation’s gushing resource today, would be the most likely scenario it could expect in not so distant future.

Researchers are racing to determine how shrinking glaciers in the Andes will affect the water supply of millions of people.

Water-related disasters and extreme weather events are occurring with increasing frequency in Central Asia and in the countries that surround it. Floods, landslides/mudflows, droughts and earthquakes, which frequently affect the region, cause enormous economic and social damage and often lead to massive loss of human life.

GANGTOK, Oct 14 – A glacier study team consisting of Assistant Scientific Officer Narpati Sharma and Project Scientists RK Sharma, Pranay Pradhan and Dilliram Chettri of Sikkim State Council of Sci

A visit to the Siachen Glacier, the world’s longest at 76.4 km and highest at nearly 22,000 feet, recently provided a group of adventurers and environmentalists a rare glimpse of the fauna around t

Climate-driven changes in glacier-fed streamflow regimes have direct implications on freshwater supply, irrigation and hydropower potential. Reliable information about current and future glaciation and runoff is crucial for water allocation, a complex task in Central Asia, where the collapse of the Soviet Union has transformed previously interdependent republics into autonomous upstream and downstream countries.

SRINAGAR: Minister for PHE, Irrigation & Flood Control, Taj Mohi-ud-Din today stressed the need for preserving traditional sources of water.

Interacting with a delegation of National Institute of Hydrology (NIH) here this morning, the Minister asked them to undertake a study of ponds and pools in Kandi belt and suggest measures to stabilize their water discharge. In this regard, Mr. Taj underscored the need for collaborative attempts by all concerned agencies like PHE, Irrigation & Flood Control, CCDU and NIH and other agencies.

Glacial melting in the Tibetan Plateau affects the water resources of millions of people. This study finds that—partly owing to changes in atmospheric circulations and precipitation patterns—the most intensive glacier shrinkage is in the Himalayan region, whereas glacial retreat in the Pamir Plateau region is less apparent.
