A landmark GM contamination case has for now swung in favour of an organic farmer facing a huge legal bill, while his adversary must reveal if he was backed by Monsanto or an industry group.

Potatoes that are genetically engineered to withstand bruising and produce less of a harmful chemical when fried, along with two kinds of browning-resistant apples were approved for the US market F

The cultivation of genetically engineered Bt Brinjal in the country’s several districts has cost the farmers their fortunes again this year as the plants have either died out prematurely or fruited

Pizza delivery chain Domino’s has been selling genetically modified pizzas, despite its website claiming that it is ‘GM-free.’

African governments must do more to control the planting of genetically modified (GM) crops that could affect smallholders, says a report by Friends of the Earth International.

Seven grassroots organisations from Bangladesh and India have expressed firm resolve to promote use of indigenous seeds, crops and foods to address malnutrition and health problems.

British scientific researchers demonstrated that genetically modified DNA from crops can find its way into human gut bacteria, raising possible health concerns.

Motion to create national GM contamination insurance scheme comes after farmer Steve Marsh claims he lost organic certification after GM canola drifted on to his land

New EU rules that would allow member states to ban or restrict the cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops in their territory have moved a step closer, following their formal adoption by the

EU rules that prevent genetically modified crops from being grown in the UK, even after they pass rigorous safety tests, are not fit for purpose and should be totally reformed, British lawmakers sa
