For 35 years, Adhurai fought against Grasim Industries for polluting the environment in his village in Kerala. No one heard him. But after he died of cancer induced by the pollution, a mass agitation threatens to down Grasim s shutters forever

Hazardous materials from Taiwan were dumped in a village in Cambodia about a month ago. UnsuspeoAng villagers now complain of a host of diseases

War veterans in the US call for a post mortem on the effects of Agent Orange

Eagles in Japan are dying due to pesticides

RADIOACTIVE radiation from the Uranium Corporation of India Limited (UCIL) mines in Jaduguda, Bihar, is causing large-scale health hazards to the tribal population living in the adjoining areas.

If a country is using 20-40 per cent of available freshwater, it is said to be suffering from 'water stress" according to the estimates of the United Nations Environment Programme. About

India s economic growth has come at a terrible price. In two decades, while the GDP more than doubled, vehicular pollution increased eight times over and industrial pollution by four times. But policy makers have consistently underscored the cost of death

Emissions from two stroke vehicles and diesel have contributed to the eight fold rise in vehicular pollution in two decades

Industrial production threatens to shroud all economic development activities in layers of smog

even though it is too early to establish the damages caused by the Operation Desert Fox in 1991 by us and uk forces in Iraq, uk -based newspaper Guardian has thrown some
