The transportation modes in Indian cities are multifarious with varying capacity and widely varying sizes and speeds.

DESPITE opposition from environmentalists, the 84 km Mumbai-Pune express-way has been given clearance by the Union environment ministry. However, the ministry has not given clearance for the Ghat

A people's movement in northern California has weeded out the use of pesticide on highways

A highway in Karnataka stands testimony to the efforts invested by a couple in the environment

The latest roadshow planned by the Delhi government may just wind up hitting the ridge and bifurcating a sanctuary

By amending the National Highways Act, Prime Minister Deve Gowda seems to be giving an open charter of exploitation to the building lobby

Controversy reared its head once again on the East Coast Road (ECR), a 700-km-long highway being constructed from Madras to Kanyakumari. Activists of the ECR action committee (AC) were assaulted

The proposed Newbury Bypass in southern England is the latest target of local environmentalists' ire. The Bypass is to cut across a nature reserve and a number of sites designated as

High risk levels and pathetically inadequate disaster management plans tar Indian roads as danger zones

मोदी ने कुंडली मानेसर पलवल हाइवे के कुंडली-मानेसर हिस्से का उद्घाटन किया. ये वेस्टर्न पेरिफेरल एक्सप्रेसवे है, जिसका गुरुग्राम में उद्घाटन किया गया. उम्मीद है कि इससे भारी ट्रैफिक में निजात मिलेगी. दिल्ली में कम ट्रक अंदर आएंगे और ये दिल्ली के प्रदूषण को कुछ कम करने में मदद करेगा. पीएम मोदी ने इसका उद्घाटन करते हुए कहा कि पिछली सरकारों ने इस काम में देर की.
