Krishna delta lost 1,783 ha between 1977 and 2000 A study published in Current Science (Vol 87, No 9) noted that the Godavari delta had lost 1,836

commercial fisheries are often held responsible for the decline of fish population worldwide. A study in the us has found that changes in the flow of a river are also a major cause. It affects

The surface of our planet is mainly water, yet usable water is in short supply. In some parts of Africa people have to walk several kilometres a day to get water, and they are the lucky ones. There, and in Asia, the prospect of conflicts over water is increasing. A particular example is the scheme to bring more water into Turkmenistan and its capital city, Ashgabat.

China has more dams than any other country, and many of them are in Sichuan, an earthquake-prone, mountainous region. The majority of them produce hydroelectricity. The region is well-placed to supply power to large industrial cities down the Yangtze valley, and when the dams were built this must have appeared a logical strategy. Now it looks foolhardy. Hundreds of Sichuan's dams have been damaged by the earthquake and could collapse during the coming monsoon season. (Editoria