Oil spills represent a major environmental threat to coastal wetlands, which provide a variety of critical ecosystem services to humanity. The U.S. Gulf of Mexico is a hub of oil and gas exploration activities that historically have impacted intertidal habitats such as salt marsh. Following the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill, we sampled the terrestrial arthropod community and marine invertebrates found in stands of Spartina alterniflora, the most abundant plant in coastal salt marshes.

Lead emission from factories and the natural environment in China's manufacturing heart of Guangdong has poisoned 160 children, Xinhua said on Sunday in the country's latest case of unfettered indu

The Department of Environment (DoE) is going to take action against Meghna Group of Industries on charge of polluting the river Meghna, said a DoE release yesterday.

The quality of water supplied by Water and Sewerage Authority (Wasa) is unlikely to improve before monsoon as the water of the Buriganga and Shitalakkhya rivers is highly polluted, says Wasa Chairm

CHENNAI: As India is undertaking major tax reforms for the taxation of goods and services, a group of state-level policy makers have suggested green taxes to be integrated in the Goods and Services Tax (GST) to tackle issues of pollution and maintain a sustainable growth.

The experts, which included chairman of Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister Dr C Rangarajan and director of Madras School of Economics D K Srivastava and other dignitaries, while deliberating on a state-level policy makers’ decision here on Friday, suggested the need for mechanisms for green taxes in GST to penalise those polluting the environment.

The Environmental Protection Agency overstepped its authority by moving to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and industrial facilities, industry groups and representatives argued

JAIPUR: The industries in the state will now have to deposit a bank guarantee and an affidavit to Rajasthan pollution control board (RSPCB) ensuring compliance with provisions mentioned in pollution control and environment protection laws.

To ensure compliance with provisions, RSPCB has issued orders that any industry that had earlier been barred from operating due to non-compliance to Water (prevention and control of pollution) Act, 1974 and Air (prevention and control of pollution) Act provisions, will have to submit a bank guarantee.

Industrial relocation in Delhi in the mid-1990s and early 2000 was supposed to ensure a pollution-free environment in the capital city. The apex court’s concern for quality of life in Delhi is commendable. However, disproportionate responsibility is placed on those who sell their labour power in order to secure a life of dignity. This article, based on a field study, explores that industrial relocation has badly affected the workers not only economically, but also socially and culturally.

The Department of Environment (DoE) yesterday fined Tk 12 lakh to a factory in Gazipur and a developer in the city's Dhanmondi area for air and noise pollutions respectively.

A team of Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board personnel on Wednesday removed nine illegal dyeing units that were polluting River Cauvery near Pallipalayam in Tiruchengode Taluk.
