Shimla: While Punjab has achieved the sustainable development target on under-five mortality rate (U5MR) with 25 deaths per 1,000 live births, Himachal Pradesh is yet to achieve the goal.

Dehradun: Falling two slots from last year’s 15th rank, Uttarakhand this year was relegated to the 17th position among 21 states of the country in the healthcare rankings recently released by centr

If current trends are not checked, there will be more than 70 million babies born to teenage girls globally between now and 2030, a new report by Save the Children has found.

The highest mortality rate in Assam was more than seven times that in Goa.

India also recorded an improvement in life expectancy at birth. The life expectancy at birth in 1969 was 47 years and in 2019, it is 69 years.

The number of deliveries in private and government hospitals in Delhi has increased by 14% in the last five years, the directorate of family welfare (DFW) has stated in response to an RTI.

People live longer in countries that became democracies from 1970 to 2015 finds this new global study published in the journal Lancet. It states that democracy reduced chances of dying from — heart diseases, cirrhosis, stroke and road accidents. Free and fair elections appear important for improving adult health… most likely by increasing government accountability and responsiveness says the study.

Despite significant declines in under five mortality (U5M) over the last 3 decades, Kenya did not achieve Millennium Development Goal 4 (MDG 4) by 2015. To better understand trends and inequalities in child mortality, analysis of U5M variation at subnational decision making units is required.

Transforming care for the 30 million vulnerable newborns who are currently being left behind is a smart investment in the health and development of future generations. It will also significantly move us along the path to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), through universal health coverage (UHC), by 2030.

The 2018 edition of the Atlas of African health statistics describes the health situation and trends in the WHO African Region. Analysis is based on standardized data from the World Health Organization and other agencies of the United Nations, such as UNICEF and the World Bank.
