Kyoto Protocol awaits Russian Duma s approval

Report on Kyoto Protocol delayed

Some headway made in talks on Kyoto related afforestation

Russian president Putin?

Russia throws a lifeline to Kyoto Protocol, but at its own terms

Whatever the new Union minister of Petroleum Mani Shankar Aiyer may have us believe, oil prices are on a roll and will remain cripplingly high. Oil experts say that, unusually, the surge comes during

The largest farmers' group in Australia has decided to rally around the Kyoto Protocol

Trade clean air for green-house gases. What do you get? Pollution? Not necessarily. Money?

India and Global Climate Change belongs to that happy genre of books that are written pedantically and don't make many concessions for lay readers. But if you persevere you will be rewarded because the subject itself is so gripping.

There is dramatic evidence that various Greenhouse Gases are responsible for Global Warming and climate change. This present study discusses the potential of Organic Agriculture both to avoid and to sequester Greenhouse Gases (GHG), and makes comparisons with conventional agriculture.
