The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has been a strong critic of the Copenhagen Accord on climate change. Sunita Narain, director of CSE, spoke to Civil Society on what she finds wrong with the new Indian position in negotiations on climate change and why a place at the high table of polluters is not such a good thing for the Indian economy.

Interview with Jairam Ramesh, Minister of State, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India.

Climate change requires us to move away from traditional thinking of sovereign states and boundaries, to cross-border cooperation and thinking of the commons and equitable sharing of ecological or carbon space.

For the EU, the Copenhagen climate summit has been seen as a wake-up call. Sidelined in the final hours, the EU was left to publically accept a deal which fell well short of its stated demands. This paper discusses what the EU could do to get off the sideline and regain some of the initiative on climate change.

Copenhagen was an unprecedented moment in the history of climate change policy. Heads of State

Two events of importance to sustainable development advocates took place at the close of the year 2009: the long-delayed WTO ministerial conference and the Copenhagen climate summit. How the world responds to climate change has significant implications for international trade. The Copenhagen Accord does not even mention two of the most contentious issues at stake here, i.e.

M.R. Srinivasan

Since India is still in the early stages of development trajectory, it is better equipped to demonstrate a low carbon lifestyle, which other societies could emulate.

THE Manmohan Singh government, which defended the Copenhagen Accord in Parliament and rejected the Opposition

Urmi A Goswami NEW DELHI

Yvo de Boer

The Copenhagen Accord was crafted by a group of countries, including the biggest, richest, poorest and smallest, and incorporating nations responsible for 80 per cent of global emissions.
