In May 2010, a team of national and international organizations was assembled to investigate children’s deaths due to lead poisoning in villages in northwestern Nigeria. The goal of the study was to determine the cause of the childhood lead poisoning outbreak, investigate risk factors for child mortality, and identify children

The United States lead recycling industry will spend hundreds of millions of dollars to comply with tightening environmental rules but the pressure of rising costs eventually may force some output

Lead emission from factories and the natural environment in China's manufacturing heart of Guangdong has poisoned 160 children, Xinhua said on Sunday in the country's latest case of unfettered indu

A China battery unit of Johnson Controls was ordered to halt production by the government after the plant was linked to incidents of lead contamination in Shanghai that had sickened some children.

Shanghai authorities for the first time directly linked lead pollution that they said had sickened local children to emissions from a battery plant owned by Johnson Controls Inc., putting a further

The selected private party will hold 50 per cent stake in the projects, estimated to cost Rs 12.5 crore each, followed by 25 per cent each by the State and the Union governments.

Shortage of affordable and safe drinking water has given boost to mushroom growth of bottled water industry in the country with around 69 including some fake and suspicious brands being sold in the

As a result of Hurricane Katrina, > 100,000 homes were destroyed or damaged and a significant amount of sediment was deposited throughout the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. Researchers have identified the potential for increased lead hazards from environmental lead contamination of soils. The authors assessed the distribution of residential soil and dust lead 2 years poststorm and compared soil lead before and after the storm.

In an attempt to curb the indiscriminate disposal of used lead-acid batteries and avoid backyard smelting as a means of disposal, the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board is collaborating with variou

The Environmental Projection Agency on Friday said it is giving $500,000 to the city of Joplin, Missouri to clean up property contaminated by lead in a devastating May 22 tornado.
