
Japan's reboot of nuclear power, expected to begin early next year, is set to punish oil imports the most as utilities slash the use of their highest-cost fuel and shut ageing oil-fired plants, a s

The “Indian Petroleum & Natural Gas Statistics” presents comprehensive statistics on various aspects of Indian Petroleum & Natural Gas Industries. The data on international developments in respect of the important segment of Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries have also been presented in the publication. The Statistics presented in the current publication cover the exploration, production, refining, marketing activities etc. of Oil sector.

In December 2012, the Rangarajan Committee submitted its report on "Production Sharing Contract (PSC) Mechanism in Petroleum Industry". The report, inter- alia, recommended a formula for pricing of domestically produced gas.

US oil and gas player Apache has made what is being heralded by some as Australia's largest oil discovery in the past 30 years, potentially pointing to a new oil province off the north-west coast.

11 new industrial estates planned

Environmentalists on Monday protested at the headquarters of the U.S.

Ships are typically powered by heavy fuel oil or bunker oil, both of which produce harmful pollutants such as sulphur dioxide which can cause respiratory and heart problems.

Clearance Awaited From Centre For Pipeline To Be Laid By GAIL In Rs 7.6k Cr Project

Questions about the reliability, affordability and sustainability of our energy future often boil down to questions about investment. But are investors ready to commit capital in a fast-changing energy world?

Chinese NOCs first ventured overseas to invest in oil and gas production more than 20 years ago. Today, they have emerged to become international players with activities spreading across more than 40 countries and producing 2.5 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (mboe/d) of oil and gas outside of China.
