A disease that afflicted northwestern Kenya last year has killed about 100,000 goats and sheep in Turkana district of the country. The disease, peste des petits ruminants, also called goat

Nine species of vultures are recorded from the Indian subcontinent. The populations of three resident Gyps species, namely Oriental White-rumped Vulture Gyps bengalensis, Long- billed Vulture Gyps indicus and Slender-billed Vulture Gyps tenuirostris crashed during the mid nineties of the last century. Vulture declines were first documented at Keoladeo National Park, Bharatpur, Rajasthan. Subsequently, the crash in populations was documented across the country.

Livestock is an important occupation of the farm households in the North-Eastern states. However, a large percentage of animals in this part of the country are of non-descript types; less productive and poorly managed. These poor breeds of animals are the source of meat, milk, curd, ghee and other milk products. It provides subsidiary source of income to the farm families. The yield level of such indigenous non-descript animals are very low, even then these animals are the backbone of the rural economy of N.E. region.

Dhole (Cuon alpinus), a pack-hunting canid, is a coursing predator of the Asian jungles. It preys on wild ungulates such as Sambar and Wild Pig and also on livestock when available. The propensity of Dholes to attack livestock, however, had resulted in the people of Bhutan nearly eradicating Dholes in 1970s by poisoning their kills.

The decision by Jammu and Kashmir's Leh district to declare the Changthang region a highaltitude wildlife sanctuary has put Ladakh's Changpa nomads in a fix. The nomads have, for long, been using

Vulture conservation in India is in a state of flux. The only point that researchers agree on is that it is absolutely vital but there is no consensus on how to go about it. There is a dispute

One doesn't really expect carrion scavengers to be gastronomes. So, a restaurant for vultures does seem something of an oddball. But the vulture restaurant at Kawasoti, Nawalaparasi district, some

Though camel slaughter is banned in India, slaughter and export of camel meat is thriving in many districts of Uttar Pradesh. According to unofficial estimates, more than 5,000 to 7,000 camels are transported from Rajasthan to abattoirs in western Uttar Pradesh every month. The meat is then exported to a number of countries in western Asian countries.

As the Rift Valley fever grips Kenya, at least 75 people have died and another 183 infected since the disease was first reported in November 2006. More than 500 livestock have so far died from the
