Centre approves field trials of 14 GM crops. But some states refuse trials, saying safety regulations are too lax. With politicians joining activists, the issue is likely to take a politically volatile turn. This special report in DTE uncovers the mess in GM crops.

Bt brinjal gets fresh push for clearanceBt Brinjal may soon be back on the menu. The Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) which met last week is pushing for its "partial release". In February 2010, Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh had imposed an indefinite moratorium on the commercial release of the world's first genetically modified Bt Brinjal.



A shoddy inter-academy report on GM crops casts a shadow on the integrity and competence of Indian science, while a US expert finds approval for Bt brinjal deeply flawed according to this latest special report in Down to Earth.  


Memorandum to the Committee on Agriculture with views on “cultivation of genetically modified food crops – prospects and effects” presented at the sitting of the Committee on October 19, 2010.

Memorandum to the Committee on Agriculture with views on “cultivation of genetically modified food crops – prospects and effects” presented at the sitting of the Committee on October 19, 2010.

Sandip Das

Despite the ministry of environment and forest putting moratorium on the commercial cultivation of BT brinjal, Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company Limited (Mahyco), is undertaking research work on developing new varieties such as BT okra and BT rice.

This report evaluates the scope and adequacy of the environmental risk assessment (ERA) for hybrid EE-1 Bt brinjal requested by the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) in response to the Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company Ltd., Mumbai (Mahyco) application for permission to commercialise hybrid EE-1 Bt brinjal.

Scientist C. Kameswara Rao reviews the document released by the Minister of Environment and Forests of the Government of India that declares a moratorium on the commercial release of Bt brinjal (eggplant) in India. Through a scientific review process Dr.

Latha Jishnu / New Delhi May 28, 2010, 0:36 IST

Monsanto licencees have earned over Rs 1,500 crore since 2002.
