A Bombay High Court order prohibits any work within 50 metres of mangroves, irrespective of the ownership of the land.

Not satisfied with the report about the cutting of mangroves, reclamation of marshes and existing conditions near the Benaulim-Sinquetim bridge across River Sal, national green tribunal (NGT) has a

Mangroves in the city are slowly dying with cement walls coming up around them, say activists.

Villagers have seen how parts of Kendrapara district were saved during super cyclone

For Niranjan Swain, a 62-year-old farmer of Badakota village of Odisha’s Kendrapara district, growing crops is just as important as making a ritualistic patrolling around a 25-acre patch of land, where he and his fellow villagers are creating a mangrove forest – a bio-shield against sea erosion.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Western Zone Bench, Pune) in the matter of George Barretto & Anr Vs The State of Goa & Ors dated 06/05/2014 regarding approval granted to the Sinquetim-Benaulim bridge across River Sal. The Tribunal has noted that GCZMA has reported that there was cutting of five mangroves but the area of mangroves, which have been cut down, is not clearly stated in the report.

Original Order 

Slum dwellers are hacking trees in the mangroves along the Palm Beach Road, said some residents.

The Ashtamudi Lake in the Kollam District of Kerala lies in between 76.53°and 76.63° longitude and 8.93° and 8.83° latitude. It is a palm-shaped extensive waterbody with eight prominent arms, adjoining the Kollam town. This extensive estuarine system has a length of 16 km with a maximum width of 14 km and maximum depth up to 6.4m covering an area of 64.2 km2. The Ashtamudi Lake has been designated as a Ramsar Site (No.1204) in November 2002 and is also a major tourist place.

Mangroves are being destroyed on a large scale on the pretext of development projects but there is little action on the part of the government to protect the mangroves, said speakers at a programme

Coming to the rescue of mangroves and surrounding wetlands in neighbouring Navi Mumbai, the Bombay High Court has directed the state government and Cidco to stop dumping debris on wetlands.

‘Coastal ecosystem facing major threat’

The marine and inland fisheries sectors in Kerala are likely to take a major hit as climate change affects fish stocks, resulting in decreased yield and loss of livelihood of fishermen.
