The so-called Avahan project was launched in 2003 in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, along with the northeastern states of Manipur and Nagaland, using a massive grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

India is a paradise for butterflies with a record of nearly 1501 species, of which, the presence of nearly 962 species is known from the biodiversity rich hotspot sectors of North East India. Records of the Zoological Survey of India published under the state fauna series have shown the occurrence
of 106 species from Manipur.

AIZAWL: The Central government has sanctioned 134 projects worth Rs.2,610 crore for poverty alleviation, development of infrastructure and providing basic services in the urban areas of the eight Northeastern states, an official release said here Sunday. “Under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), 134 projects with a cost of Rs.2,610 crore have been approved,” said the release quoting union Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation Minister Kumari Selja.

The 6.8-magnitude earthquake in India's Sikkim state Sunday evening was the fourth tremor reported in the country in September so far, according to the India Meteorological Department (IMD).

AIZAWL, Sep 18 (IANS): The central government has sanctioned 134 projects worth Rs.2,610 crore for poverty alleviation, development of infrastructure and providing basic services in the urban areas

A one day workshop cum awareness on the theme - Bio-medical Waste Management and Mercury Phase out from the Health Sector in Manipur was held at, Imphal on 13th of September 2011; which is jointly organized by the Manipur Pollution Control Board (MPCB), Toxics Link and Institute of Social Research and Development (ISRD) supported by Swedish Inte

A good number of people held demonstrations in the Sylhet city on Wednesday, protesting at the Indian government’s initiatives to construct Tipaimukh Dam on River Barak in Manipur province in India

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday regretted that India and Bangladesh could not sign the Teesta water sharing deal during his visit to Dhaka, but reaffirmed New Delhi's commitment to ink t

The Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited (HPC) has moved the State Governments of Tripura and Manipur for sustainable supply of rawmaterial for its Cachar Paper Mill and has made arrangement to impo

The Nathpa Jhakri Hydro Power Station owned and operated by Sutlej Jal Vidyut Nigam in Himachal Pradesh has made a record generation of 1151.205 million units (MU) this August, breaking the earlier record of 1143.681 MU in July 2009.
